How we came to launch our own home-roasted coffee drip bags
Thank you for your continued support. This is the Product Development Department at Onkodo.
We are now releasing the coffee drip bag that we have been developing for some time.

Up until now, we have been selling our own roasted coffee as whole beans on Amazon and other sites, but
There may be some people who simply don't have a grinder or who find it difficult to use a coffee machine every time .
This time, we have developed drip bag coffee for such customers with the motto of " easy, authentic and healthy coffee ."
We hope you will enjoy it.
It all started as a way to reward myself .
In 2012, I started a cable assembly business as a sole proprietor.
At first, I really enjoyed the days of silently attaching cables and shipping products, but
Gradually, I began to think, "I want to make my break the best it can be," and " I want to make my favorite coffee into a high-quality drink ."
However, I didn't have any money, so I began spending my days searching the internet for coffee in order to find something that was cheap and delicious.
The secret to great tasting coffee is its freshness after roasting!
At first, I tried buying high-quality coffee, but in the end, I bought roasted coffee .
I've come to realize that it tastes best when roasted 3 to 10 days after roasting.
If low-quality raw beans are used, the coffee may lack a little punch even after roasting, but we have found that beans with an SCA rating of 80 points or more can produce high-quality coffee as long as their freshness is properly managed after roasting.
I've tried a lot of different roasting methods!
At first, I tried it using a ginkgo roasting net and a frying pan.

Of course, it was all uneven and not tasty at all.
There were a lot of burnt and undercooked spots, so it didn't taste very close to the taste of commercially available coffee.
After that, I also bought a hand-operated roaster on Yahoo! Auctions.

It was handmade by a sheet metal worker and tasted delicious, but it produced so much smoke that I felt it would be difficult to make it all year round without proper exhaust conditions.
The last thing I purchased was the Kaldi Fortis Coffee Roaster.
I'm glad I bought the standard model first, so I purchased this top-of-the-line model with the chaff collector included.
It is a low-priced roaster,
It has extremely high performance, and all of the coffee we currently sell is roasted here.
This has been a long story, but that is the process that led to the sale of coffee.
At first, we only sold raw coffee beans by the gram, but after honing our roasting techniques over a long period of time to provide coffee for staff members and to share with acquaintances, we were able to roast consistently and began selling roasted coffee as well.
This time, we will be making " drip coffee " so that you can sample it even more easily.
I honestly feel it tastes better than convenience store coffee because it's fresher.
It is said that drinking it warms you up, helps recover from physical fatigue, and helps prevent heart diseases such as myocardial infarction.
Please try incorporating quality coffee into your daily routine.
I recommend it!
Homemade roasted drip coffee bags>>
Onkodo Co., Ltd.