Basic Policy on Customer Harassment

Thank you very much for your continued patronage.

It has been nine years since we started selling cables through our online store, and we are grateful for the many connections we have made with our customers through communication, including words of gratitude for our products and service, and ideas that lead to new products.

However, there were a small number of customers who made slanderous remarks about our employees and demanded excessive explanations.

Such actions go beyond the scope of our service and cause inconvenience to other customers.
Do not engage in any of the acts described below.
We hope you will use our service in an orderly manner.

Based on the "Customer Harassment Prevention Corporate Manual" created by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare,
We define customer harassment as follows:

The following are examples of customer harassment:

Other cases may also apply.

○ Violence/abusive language ○ Threatening, intimidating, threatening behavior ○ Insulting statements or documents ○ Statements or documents denying a person's dignity ○ Violent behavior ○ Excessive or unreasonable demands ○ Requests for the provision of services that are excessive according to social standards ○ Requests for refunds or guarantees beyond the scope of the terms and conditions ○ Requests for product exchanges, monetary guarantees, or services that are not provided without a reasonable reason ○ Requests for apologies without a reasonable reason ○ Requests for punishment of our staff ○ Visits to our factories without permission or an appointment ○ Requests for face-to-face correspondence ○ Continuous, persistent behavior ○ Excessive repetition of the same requests or inquiries ○ Picking at words when requests are not granted ○ Changing the subject from the original story, nitpicking, and persistent attacks ○ Other acts of harassment ○ Violation of the privacy of our staff ○ Transmission or spread of defamatory or false information on social media or the Internet ○ Unilateral and excessive contact with our official social media accounts ○ Any act that our company determines to be customer harassment

■ Dealing with customer harassment

If we determine that any of the aforementioned conduct has occurred, we may refuse to provide services or support to you.
In addition, if we determine that the behavior is malicious, we will consult with the police and lawyers and take appropriate action.

Onkodo Co., Ltd.