Company Profile

 Company name: Onkodo Co., Ltd.

 Date of establishment: 2016.01.04

 FY2023 Annual sales: 236 million yen

 Capital: 3 million yen

 Representative Director: Yuya Yoshida

 Business number: T2240001048715

 Employees: 7 (including part-time and casual employees)

 4023-3 Mizunomicho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture
 Shop name: CABLECRAFT Onkodo
 TEL&FAX 084-983-1969

 *Please contact us by email if you have any inquiries. 
For matters of urgent nature, we will contact you by phone.

 Business hours: 9:00~17:00
 Closed on Saturdays. Online orders available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
 *We also ship on Sundays and holidays, but we prioritize orders from Amazon stores that require a rush order.
 We will ship it to you. If you are in a hurry, please purchase it from Amazon.
 Thank you for your understanding.

 Main duties: Cable assembly (assembly, soldering)
 Cable sales, plug parts retail, coffee bean sales

 Main business partners:
 Aisan Electric Co., Ltd.
 Kanjitsu Electric Co., Ltd.
 Sanshin Electric Materials Co., Ltd.
 Studio System Lab Co., Ltd.
 Tomoka Electric Co., Ltd.
 Sound House Co., Ltd.
 US Foods Co., Ltd.
 Agent Business Partners
 Mogami Electric Wire Co., Ltd.
 Tatsuta Tachii Electric Wire
 IeGO Power Dream Wars
 Aec Connectors Co., Ltd.
 Shenzhen Shunbo Insulating Materials Co., Ltd.
Main bank:
 Japan Finance Corporation
 Shimanami Shinkin Bank
 Momiji Bank
 Hiroshima Shinkin Bank
 Bank of China